Ashburn Sisters to be Honored with Points of Light Award

Shreyaa and Esha Venkat are founders of NEST4US, a nonprofit organization dedicated to working with communities to provide volunteer and leadership opportunities to make the world better through kindness. Their mission is to empower the next generation of compassionate youth to integrate kindness, generosity and social good into their routine. 

The globabl nonprofit Points of Light is honoring the Ashburn sisters for their selfless commitment to driving sustained change in their communities. They’ll receive the highest honor, the George H.W. Bush Award.  The honorees will be recognized in the hour-long livestream event Sept. 26 at 8 p.m. Presidents George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are serving as honorary co-chairs of the celebration.

The George H.W. Bush Points of Light Awards identify and uplift outstanding examples of individuals advancing solutions to societal problems around the globe while exemplifying the President’s legacy of integrity, empathy, respect, optimism, conviction in the face of opposition and belief in the power of the human spirit.

“Our vision of empowering individuals worldwide to implement service into their communities aligns with that of President George H.W. Bush, which was to encourage others to be a light for their neighbors,” Shreyaa and Esha said. “Our work has been greatly influenced by his legacy of service, from our blessing bags and school supply kits to mentoring services and leadership initiatives, the common goal always being to join together with our community to create lasting change. We’re incredibly grateful to receive this prestigious award, which will motivate us to continue inspiring the next generation to build a better, kinder future!”

More about Shreyaa and Esha

Seventeen-year-old Shreyaa is a freshman at Georgetown University pursuing Global Health Pre-medical Studies. She already has more than seven years of volunteer service under her belt. Additionally, she has over 1,500 volunteer hours serving her community. Shreyaa is an active board member of various clubs and organizations and is an academic honor roll student. Recreationally, she is a travel soccer player, 3rd-degree black belt, certified soccer referee, and kathak dancer. She is also an assistant instructor at CJR Martial Arts.

Fourteen-year-old Esha is also a straight-A honor roll student at Broad Run High School in Ashburn. She has spent over 850 volunteer hours on projects ranging from feeding the homeless to creating care packages for low-income families. Additionally she plays piano and has earned her 2nd-degree black belt.

Recently, the sisters made the cover of the June issue of PEOPLE Magazine.

To learn more about NEST4US, visit: