Mobile Hope is in need of Pantry Items

Can you help stock the pantry for Mobile Hope? The nonprofit’s pantry is looking bare.

Mobile Hope provides services and support for homeless youth 24 years of age and younger. The organization is in need of non-perishable items to deliver to families through the Listen For The Honk program. This is a mobile bus service that delivers those items within Loudoun communities.

Pantry items in need include the following: macaroni & cheese, tuna fish, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, canned fruit, fruit cups, Chef Boyardee, hearty soups, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, rice, pasta, flip-top vegetables, oatmeal, vienna sausages, breakfast bars, and shelf-stable milk.

Items can be brought to the Leesburg campus at 302 Parker Court in Leesburg, Monday through Friday 9am-4pm. Or, you can make a financial donation on and put “pantry donation” in the designation line.

More about Mobile Hope

The nonprofit helps youth who truly have no roof over their heads receive crisis care, including emergency shelter, long-term housing support, and case management to address mental health issues and sub- stance abuse. Last year, more than 3,000 Loudoun County youth accessed these services.