A Woodgrove High School student raised $3,500 for domestic and sexual abuse victims through prom dress sales

A Woodgrove HS student raises $3,500 for sexual and domestic abuse victims.

In March, Woodgrove High School student Lily McBride organized a prom dress “pop-up” at the Ladies Board of Inova Loudoun Hospital’s Twice Is Nice thrift shop in Leesburg. Proceeds from the sale, $3,500, were donated to the Inova Ewing Forensic Assessment and Consultation (FACT) program. The Cornwall clinic is one of four locations in Northern Virginia.

In 2022, the FACT team cared for 1039 patients and as of the first quarter of 2023, they have already attended to 208 patients. 

“Lily’s significant contribution to the Inova Ewing FACT Department and the survivors of domestic and sexual abuse is deeply appreciated,” said Cecilia Ortega-Shew, executive director, with community health and equity at Inova.  “We are grateful for the difference she has made.”

To support Inova’s FACT program visit Inova.gives/CommunityHealth

Photo 1 L to R: Cecilia Ortega-Shew, Executive Director, Community/Health Equity, Inova; Lily McBride, student; Annabelle Sizemore, Inova FACT nurse; and Samantha Colliver, FACT Clinical Program Manager, Inova. 

Photo 2 L to R: Randa McBride, Lily’s mother and Ladies Board of Inova Loudoun Hospital member; Kari Reed, Philanthropy Director, Community/Health Equity, Inova; Cecilia Ortega-Shew, Executive Director, Community/Health Equity, Inova; Lily McBride, student; Annabelle Sizemore, Inova FACT nurse; Samantha Colliver, FACT Clinical Program Manager, Inova; and Alexia Orr, Chair, Inova Loudoun Hospital Foundation and Ladies Board of Inova Loudoun Hospital member.